Understanding Your Skin Type For Proper Skincare

First, it’s time to find products on the market that is safe, clean, and doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals. Going into 2021 all natural face care products are trending and becoming the number one pick for nose people around the world. Say goodbye to chemicals and harsh ingredients that strip the skin of its natural oils and nutrients. You should care about the products you put on your face.You should also understand your skin type. Rather you have dry, oily, or combination skin, it’s important to understand what you can and can’t use specifically for you. For those with oily skin you should search for products with Oleic properties, like products that include avocado oil, almond oil or sea buckthorn oil. For individuals with oily skin, linoleic properties are suitable for you. This can include grape seed oil, calendula, or rose hip oil. For those with combination skin you can use products that is balanced but high in oleic. This would be products like flax seed oil, Tamanu oil, coconut oil. Understanding the different compounds that will help you maintain good skin health is very important. Remember that most people who try new products breakout the first few days and then after about a week you’ll start to see a big improvement. It is important for you to be consistent in order to benefit from the uses of your products. But take the first step, and understand your skin type. My blog will be very beneficial and I will touch on topics that everyone seems to be inquisitive about. Always remember to put self care first, if you do, you’ll be unlocking the pathway to a healthier new you!